He fell to thinking once more of his six months of love and happiness in the open air and the broad daylight, beneath the beautiful trees of Luxembourg. 他又开始想着在卢森堡公园晴光丽日的树影中度过的六个月。
His chest was literally cracked open, his ribs cleaved away from each other to allow some daylight to finally reach into his heart, as though God were saying, How's that for a sign? 他确实被剖膛开肚,肋骨被分开,让足够的光线终于能进入他的心,仿佛神在说:这信号不错吧?
Intended to be open during daylight hours, they will shut over the central portion of the windows during the evening to give the dining area added intimacy, colour and warmth. 在白天,它会被拉开;但到了傍晚,它则被拉到中段部分,以提供一个更加亲密、具光泽及温暖的空间感。
As buildings open positions, outer windows can also directly impact on indoor daylight effects. 同时,窗户作为建筑外围护结构的开口部位,也直接影响到室内自然采光效果。
I'm young in war, but not so young as to stand on an open beach to be shot down like an owl, by daylight. 我打仗没经验,可还没嫩到象只夜猫子,大白天站在光秃秃的湖滩地上,让人用枪打死。